This first blog entry is just to get my feet wet, to allow whatever direction this takes. There is so much to learn, so much we can do. And I am no expert by any means. Not even close. It will be up to you to do your own backcheck on what I provide. So, do your research to come up with your plan to become stewards of our planet.
Planting native has so many benefits. Non-native has the opposite affect. For now I cannot state in my own words the importance or how this all happens within the ecosystem. Later, I hope that I can.
So, why be so concerned about native only?
- They adapt to our local climate.
- They grow in our local soil.
- They provide life to local insects, butterflies, and birds.
- They provide cover for insects and animals from predators.
- They help with rain water.
- They are low maintenance.
Basically, non-native does little to none of the above. Non-native does its best to destroy native.
The following images are from postings found on the Internet. Some may state who authored, others may not. Credit is given to all those who authored, not to me.
To repair our earth we need to pay attention to our ecosystem. Planting native plants creates value to the ecosystem as does protecting our we lands. We cannot overload the ecosystem system with non-natives, chemicals, and waste. When we do it becomes a struggle to recover. Perhaps in some cases recovery may not be possible without our intervention.
Remember, this starts with you. Not your neighbor, not the government, just you.
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